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O'Neill Public Schools

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The National FFA Organization is an organization focused on developing a student’s potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education. Membership is open to both male and female students in 7th through 12th grade. High school members are required by the National FFA Organization to be enrolled in a minimum of one semester of agriculture education courses per year of membership.

The O’Neill FFA Chapter holds regular monthly meetings on the second Monday of each month, with the exception of only one meeting to take place during summer break. Chapter members have the opportunity to participate in community service activities, leadership workshops and conferences, District, State and National conventions, National FFA Week events, and various contest including: range judging, livestock judging, Leadership Skills Events contest (Jr. High Quiz Bowl, Demonstrations, Parliamentary Law, Parliamentary Procedure, and Speeches), and Career Development Events contest (Agriculture Sales, Agriscience, Agronomy, Farm and Ranch Management, Floriculture, Livestock Management, Meats Evaluation, Nursery and Landscape Management, Welding, etc.)

Questions should be addressed to any FFA chapter officer, member or advisor.

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