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O'Neill Public Schools

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Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plans

O'Neill Public Schools held a Public Forum at 7:15 pm on Monday, December 11, 2023 in the board room at 410 E. Benton St. to review the Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plans.    O'Neill Public Schools Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plans Elementary - English Elementary - Spanish Jr-Sr High School - English Jr-Sr High School - Spanish   Public . . .

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Welcome! Alex Thramer

O'Neill Public Schools would like to welcome Alex Thramer to our team for the 2025-2026 school year. Alex is an alumni of OHS and is excited to teach 7-12 Mathematics.

Welcome! Hannah Schwer

O'Neill Public Schools would like to welcome Hannah Schwer to our team for the 2025-2026 school year. Hannah is excited to teach Special Education.

Welcome! Kenzie Hedlund

O'Neill Public Schools would like to welcome Kenzie Hedlund to our team for the 2025-2026 school year. Kenzie will be the School Psychologist.

Welcome! Sidney Thiele

O'Neill Public Schools would like to welcome Sidney Thiele to our team for the 2025-2026 school year. Sidney excited to teach Special Education.

MacBooks for Sale

O'Neill Public Schools has some used MacBooks for sale.   Laptops are $300 and will be available from O'Neill High School, 540 East Hynes, O'Neill, NE  68763 at a later date.  All items are sold "as is," no warranty. Payment must be made at the time of pick up.  You can reserve a computer by completing the form by clicking here.  

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Safe2Help Nebraska

Video-Short_See-Something-Say- Something.mp4 Dear Parents and Guardians, As part of O'Neill Public School's commitment to students' safety and mental health, beginning immediately, we are launching an anonymous reporting program, which will allow students and parents to make anonymous reports about concerns of safety or student wellness.  Our program is student-focused, as opposed to crime-focused, meaning it is a tool for alerting caring adults about students who need help - not snitching.  This . . .

Sex Offender Notification

The Nebraska Legislature has enacted the Nebraska Sex Offender Registration Act. The Act requires sex offenders to register with the local county sheriff where they reside. O'Neill Public Schools will notify staff members, parents, and students of any registered sex offenders residing in the school district by providing a link to such information as provided by the State of Nebraska. Such notice shall contain information about the availability of further information on the State Patrol’s web page and shall inform the . . .

K-12 Student Accident Insurance

Student Assurance Services has an online option to enroll in the student accident insurance plan.  PDF copies of the Enrollment form and Brochure are listed below.  Click here to be connected directly to the website.   Student Accident Enrollment Form - English Student Accident Enrollment Form - Spanish Student Accident Insurance Brochure - English Student Accident Insurance Brochure - Spanish    

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O’Neill Public Schools receives early childhood education grant from Sixpence Early Learning Fund

(Lincoln, NE) The Trustees of the Sixpence Early Learning Fund announced last week that O’Neill Public Schools will receive grant awards totaling approximately $350,000.00, beginning September 1, 2021. Sixpence awarded grants to 11 communities to fund high-quality early childhood programs throughout the state to serve more of Nebraska’s most vulnerable infants and toddlers. The new grants were made possible through a funding increase for Sixpence proposed in LB342 by Senator John Stinner of Gering, . . .

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District Use of ARP ESSER III Funds

O'Neill Public School has requested input concerning the use of its ARP ESSER III funds by surveying all constituents of the district via an online form posted on the school website and emailed directly to members of the teachers’ union.  The survey, available in both Spanish and English, was specific in asking how those responding would like to see the funds used. Choices included: Summer Services, After School Learning Opportunities, Purchase of High Quality Teaching Materials, Teacher Training and Professional . . .

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Nebraska Child Care Referral Network

Help for Nebraska's Working Parents The ongoing COVID-19 emergency has put parents and child care providers alike under tremendous stain.  Parents - especially those who must still report to work outside their homes - need acces to quality child care services where they know their children will be looked after by licensed, experienced caregivers and educators.  Click here to view a resource that can help.

OHS Give Back Campaign

Help OHS continue to be an incubator for student success. We need YOU to help  #OHSgiveback . Find out more  here .        

Jr-Sr High School Building Project

Mr. Peterson and the Eagle Eye Broadcasting team took the drone out and were able to capture some great images of the building construction progress.  Click here to view additional Building Project photos and information.

Speak Up! 402-961-8012

Speak Up! is an anonymous anti-bullying monitoring and management platform enabling students, parents and community members to report bullying and cyber-bullying incidents.   This two-way communication system is completely anonymous, masking your phone number and contact information to school administrators receiving the message.  This service can also be used to report any activity that you believe poses a threat to students while they are at school.   When a message is received, the school will be . . .

Jr. Sr. High Building Project on the Launching Pad!

The O'Neill Public School Board met in special session to interview architectural firms for the proposed Jr. Sr. High School building project on Monday, March 27th. The board listened to presentations from the following five firms:  DLR Group, BVH Architects, The Clark Enersen Group, CMBA, and Davis Design.  A firm will be selected at the April 10th board meeting.  The project will then move into the programming and schematic design phase.  Staff, students, and community members will be included in this . . .

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Ways You Can Be Involved In Our School!

  Community Advisory Committee School Safety/Wellness Committee Title I Parent Committee Facility Committee Student Achievement Committee Stakeholder Communication Committee Technology Committee Foundation Committee Run for School Board Booster Club - High School Athletic Booster Organization Band Boosters - High School Music Support Organization Junior Eagle Boosters - Elementary . . .