Girl's Track and Field
Head Coach: Tate Erbst Asst. Coaches: Guy Fenske, Grant Luer, Seth Ehlers, Tiffani Shoemaker and Cole Hilker
Head Coach: Tate Erbst Asst. Coaches: Guy Fenske, Grant Luer, Seth Ehlers, Tiffani Shoemaker and Cole Hilker
Feb 22, 2024
Head Coach: Cole Hilker Asst. Coaches: Guy Fenske, Grant Luer, Seth Ehlers, Tiffani Shoemaker and Tate Erbst
Junior High Activities offered: Cross Country Volleyball Football Basketball Track and Field
“O” Club is an organization of O’Neill High School students who have lettered in a varsity sport either as an athlete, student manager, or cheerleader. Lettering criteria is established by the head coach in each sport. Members must remain current in their lettered sport. Students who letter during the current year are encouraged to sign up for “O” Club in the AD’s office. The purpose of the club is to maintain the highest possible standard in athletics, to . . .
Band/Pep Band - High School: When a student is accepted into the band program, he/she is automatically a member of concert band, marching band and pep band. Pep band begins during winter sport season. The students perform pop and current music before games and during half-time. The marching band performs during programs and half-time for all home football games. They also compete in marching contests in the fall. The Junior High band is primarily a concert band. They present two concerts a year, one during . . .
Head Coach: Seth Kalhoff Asst. Coaches: Lance Classen and James Burtwistle
Head Coach: Cole Hilker Asst. Coaches: Steve Brown, Rylee Dexter, Mike Marvin, and Mike Peterson.
This activity is open to students in grades 9-12. All procedures and requirements for cheerleading tryouts are specified in the cheerleading constitution. Try outs will be held in the final nine weeks of the current school year. That date depends on the calendar of events. Any changes in the process or scheduling of tryouts are left to the discretion of the cheerleader coaches and activities director.
The drill team consists of students in grades 9-12 who are selected during spring try outs in the prior school year. Dances are performed during the half-time of boy’s basketball games as well as half time of the Homecoming Football game.
Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America is a national student organization. It was developed to help youth assume their roles in society through Family & Consumer Science Education in areas of personal growth, family life, vocational preparation, and community involvement. Membership is open to both boys and girls in grades 7-12 who are taking or have taken a course in family and consumer science. The O’Neill FCCLA Chapter has monthly meetings, normally the first Monday of each . . .
The National FFA Organization is an organization focused on developing a student’s potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education. Membership is open to both male and female students in 7th through 12th grade. High school members are required by the National FFA Organization to be enrolled in a minimum of one semester of agriculture education courses per year of membership. The O’Neill FFA Chapter holds regular monthly meetings on . . .
Head Coach: Brock Eichelberger Asst. Coaches: Chuck Price and Ashley Belmer
Any student in good academic standing in O’Neill High School may audition for cast/chorus of the musical. It can be beneficial for a student interested in a role with solos to be in choir, but it is not required. Auditions are held from eight to ten weeks before show date. Students who wish to be considered for a major role need to have both a reading and vocal audition. Cast/chorus is selected from performances at the auditions and upon their availability for rehearsals. Rehearsals are held . . .
The purpose of the National Honor Society is to recognize and encourage superior scholarship. Students who have a 3.0 (B) cumulative grade average at the end of the first semester of their sophomore year are eligible for membership. Grade averages are reviewed for students at the end of the first semester of their junior and senior years and if they meet the 3.0 average they are considered for membership at that time. Students must maintain a 3.0 average to be a member. In addition to scholarship, . . .
The One-Act Play is a play presented for District One-Act Contest and judged on performance and artistic merit. The contest is generally held the first week in December. Tryouts will be held about eight weeks prior to the contest. Rehearsals will begin immediately upon selection of cast. Rehearsals will be from one to one and a half hours in length and will be held after school whenever possible, although evening rehearsals are also used extensively. Times may be changed to accommodate students’ . . .
Speech Team members prepare material to be presented at Speech contests. Team as well as individual scoring is awarded. Categories include: Humorous and Serious Prose, Poetry, Persuasive, Informative, Entertainment, Extemporaneous, Duet Acting, and Oral Interpretation of Drama. There are 5-6 invitational meets, District and State meets throughout January, February, and March. Practice generally starts the first week of December and continues throughout the season. It is the responsibility of the . . .
The purpose of student council is to assist the members in developing their leadership skills. The council also provides a means of communication between the students and the administration. Another function of the council is to provide service to the school and community. Membership on the council is determined in this manner: one representative is chosen from each recognized organization and two representatives are chosen from each grade, 7 through 12. Representatives must maintain a 2.0 GPA and . . .